- 实时GPS real time GPS
- 实时GPS测量 RTK(Real Time kinematic) GPS measurement
- 为此,国内外纷纷开展了依赖WWW基础、将图形化的GIS融合实时GPS浮动车数据的WebGIS在ITS上的应用研究。 So, the application research of WebGIS on ITS, which relies on WWW technology, adds real-time GPS floating car data to graphic GIS, have been conducted.
- 实时 real time
- 实时的 Real-time
- 实时性 real-time
- 实时监控 real-time monitoring
- 差分GPS DGPS - Differential GPS
- GPS global positioning system (GPS)
- 双GPS double-GPS
- 实时监测 real-time monitoring
- GPS网 GPS network
- 实时数据 real-time data
- 实时信息 real-time information
- 类GPS Quasi-GPS
- 实时显示 real-time display
- GPS板 GPS board
- GPS点 GPS point
- 实时时钟 real-time clock (RTC)