- 子宫X光照片 hysterogram
- 照片 photograph
- 医生: 现在我给你照一张胃部X光照片。 Now let me take an X-ray photo of your stomach.
- 光 light
- 医生细查了X光照片。 The doctor examined the X-rays.
- 子宫X线片,子宫造影照片 metrogram
- X光 X-ray
- 蛋、 姑姑、 叔叔、 小时、 X光照片、 下院议员、 L字牌 an egg, aunt, uncle, hour, X-ray, MP, L-plate
- 子宫X线照片 hysterogram
- 昨天我的牙进行了X光检查。 I had an X-ray examination of my teeth yesterday.
- 他给我做了X光胸透并量了血压。 He gave me a chest X-ray and took my blood pressure.
- 他给我作了X光胸透并量了血压。 He gave me a chest X-ray and then took my blood pressure.
- X光照片 shadowgraph
- 我们将让她作X光透视。 We'll get her X-rayed.
- 我去医院照X光片。 I'm going to hospital for an X-rays.
- 照X光照片 skiagraph
- 他受伤后作了X光检查。 He X-raied after the injury.
- 我请他给她作X光透视。 I asked him to take an X-ray of her.
- 胸部 X 光照片 a chest X-ray
- 软X光 Soft X-ray