- 奈福康A nefocon A(接触镜原材料)
- 地美福康A dimefocon A(接触镜原材料)
- 替昔福康A tisilfocon A(接触镜原材料)
- 盐酸奈福-β-环糊精包合物 NFH-β-cyclodextrin inclusion compound
- 妥洛福康A tolofocon A(接触镜原材料)
- 奈福泮PVC膜涂层玻璃电极的研制与应用 Preparation and Application of Nefopam PVC Membrane Coated Glass Electrode
- 奈福泮复合曲马多在剖宫产术后镇痛中的平衡应用 Nefopan combined with tramadol used for postoperative analgesia in patients with cesarean section
- 乌尼福康A unifocon A(接触镜原材料)
- 奈福泮 nefopam
- 奈 how can one help
- 福康安整顿广西中越边贸述论 The Rectification of the Trade between Viet Nam and China in Guangxi by Fukang'an
- 昔奈福林 synephrine
- 不仅A而且 not merely A but also B
- 在城市中寻找形式的意义--上海新福康里评述 Search for Meaning of Form in Cosmopolis-- Comments on Xin Fukangli, Shanghai
- 奈福泮,平痛新,镇痛醚 Bezoxazocine
- 尼康 Nikon
- A股 A-share
- 神奈川 Kanagawa
- 把A误以为 take A for B
- 我们有必要来评断电视到底是福还是祸。 It is essential for us to try to decide whether television is a blessing or a curse.