- 太阳X-EUV成像望远镜 Solar X-EUV imaging telescope
- 空间太阳X射线成像望远镜技术 The Technique of Space Solar X-Ray Telescope
- 空间硬X射线编码孔成像望远镜样机的研制及初步实验结果 A Prototype of Spacial Hard X-Ray Coded Aperture Imaging Telescope and the Primary Laboratory Experimental Results
- 太阳 sun
- 太阳X射线监测器 solar monitor
- 天文学自适应光学成像望远镜的模拟 Simulation of an astronomical adaptive optics imaging telescope
- 太阳X射线 solar X-ray
- EUV光源 extreme ultraviolet light source
- 太阳X射线耀斑 solar X-ray flare
- 望远镜 telescope
- EUV滤光片 EUV filter
- EUV单色仪 Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) monochromator
- 太阳X射线辐照度 solar X-ray irradiance
- EUV软X射线 EUV Soft X-rays
- 太阳X射线天文学 solar X-ray astronomy
- 天文望远镜 astronomical telescope
- EUV波段电光成像系统分辨率的实验研究 The Experiment Study on the Resolution of Electro-Optical Imaging System at EUV Wave Band
- 太阳的 heliacal
- 激光、气体放电产生的等离子体EUV光源 laser-produced and gas discharge produced EUV source
- 双筒望远镜 field-glasses