- 天线的EMC设计 EMC design of antenna
- 舰载军用加固计算机的EMC设计 The EMC Design of Military Computer Used in Naval Vessels
- 设计 design
- 根据香港东部地铁支线SP2152招标项目JW-4F型接触网检测车对电磁兼容性(简称EMC)的要求,论述了对检测车的EMC设计方法、EMC测试项目及标准、EMC测试方法、EMC性能评定等。 On basis of the requirement on electromagnetic compatibility (abbreviated as EMC) in JW-4F catenary inspection vehicle (abbreviated as OIV) for Hong Kong east underground project No. SP2152, and illustrates the design method, test project and standard, test method and performance assessment of EMC.
- 采用二级离散复镜像法分析同轴馈电微带天线的输入阻抗 Computing the input impedance of coax-fed microstrip patch antennas by the two-level discrete complex image method
- 为反射面天线尤其是修正卡塞格伦天线的设计和调整提供了理论依据. Thus it provides a theoretical basis for design and adjustment of refector antenna, particularly the modified Cassegrain antenna.
- 舰船EMC设计 ship EMC design
- 按此分析方法研制的短背射天线的增益比普通短背射天线的约高2.5dB。 Using this method, a new type backfire antenna is developed. Its gain is about 2.5 dB higher than that of a normal short backfire antenna.
- 印制线路EMC设计 Design of EMC in Printed Circuit
- 摘要用改进微扰法分析了任意曲线形状圆柱形介质栅全向天线的辐射特性。 Characteristics of omni-directional dielectric rod grating leaky antennas with arbitrary profiles are investigated by an improved perturbation method.
- 产品的PCB阶段的电磁兼容EMC设计 The EMC Design in PCB for Certain Products
- 综合考虑天线的数量、位置和输出功率,以及所覆盖的范围,保证信号的均匀分布; Design shall consider the total antenna amount, locations, and output power to ensure a even coverage.
- 电缆屏蔽技术在EMC设计中的应用实例 Application example of cable shield technique in EMC design
- 高速电路中电容的分析及其EMC设计 Analysis and EMC Design of Capacitors in High-Speed Circuit
- 运用无限周期结构的诸城法建立起微带阵列天线的复谐振频率和雷达散射截面公式。 The complex resonant frequency and radar cross abation(RCS)are formulated by spectral domainapproach of periodic structure.
- 开关电源EMC设计中磁性元件的选用 Choice of Magnetic Element in EMC Design for Switching Mode Power Supply
- 宽频带引信天线的设计 The design of Broadband Antenna for Fuze
- 折叠偶极子天线的设计 Design of a Folded Dipole Antenna
- 变形螺旋天线的自动设计 Automated design of modified helical antennas
- 一种新型螺旋天线的设计 The Design of a New Kind of Helix Antenna