- 多约束QoS路由选择 multiple constrained QoS muting selection
- 基于免疫遗传算法的多约束QoS路由选择算法 A Multiple Constrained QoS Routing Selection Based on Immune Genetic Algorithm
- 基于改进分布式遗传算法多约束QoS移动IP路由选择 A Multiple Constrained QoS Routing Selection of Mobile IP Based on Extended Distributed Genetic Algorithms
- 基于方向因子的多约束QoS路由优化蚁群算法 Modified ant colony algorithm based on orientation factor in solving the multi-constraint QoS routing problem
- 多约束QoS多播路由 Multiple constrained QoS multicast routing
- 多约束QoS multi-constrained QoS
- QoS路由选择 QoS Routing
- 基于加权公正队列的QoS路由选择算法 QoS Routing Algorithm Based on Weighted Fair Queuing Service Discipline
- 路由选择协议是 RIP is the routing protocol
- 网络中基于数据流的QoS路由协议 Flow based QoS routing in ad hoc network
- 路由选择 routing
- 多播路由 multicast routing
- 约束路由算法 constraint routing algorithm
- 多播路由树 multicast router tree
- 路由选择域 routing domain
- 无线传感器网络基于模糊信息的QoS路由发现方法 QoS Route Discovery Method Based on Fuzzy Information for Wireless Sensor Networks
- 选择式路由 alternative route
- 多路径路由 multipath routing
- 多点路由问题 Traveling salesman problem
- 路由选择通路 routing path