- 多粘菌素B滴眼剂 eyedrops of polymyxin B
- 多粘菌素E滴眼剂 eyedrops of colistin; eyedrops of colymycin; eyedrops of polymyxin E
- 多粘菌素B眼膏 oculentum polymyxini B
- 多粘菌素B硫酸盐眼用制剂 Polymyxin B sulfate ophthalmic preparation
- 多粘菌素B甲磺酸 thiosporin
- 复方氯霉素滴眼液中有效成分含量的测定 Determination Content of Chloromycetin and Dexamethasoni Phosphas Natricus in Chloromycetin Compound Eyedrops by UV Spectrophotometry
- 多粘菌素B硫酸盐 Polymyxin B sulfate
- 一个奇函数的图形一般如图4.1(b)所示。 The graph of an odd function has the general appearance of Fig 4. 1b.
- 高ph值油剂 high pH finisher
- 高聚合凝聚剂 high polymer coagulant
- "彼得为啥需要两辆车?" - "他是不需要两辆车,可他的钱多得没处花。" "Why does Peter need two cars?" - "He doesn't, but he's always had money to burn."
- 锌滴定法测定连铸结晶器保护渣中铝 Determination aluminium in protective slag of continuous casting mould by zinc titrimetry
- 塔克喷雾剂 Tucker's spray
- "百眼巨人" 试验 Argus
- 林可霉素 lincomycin
- 车用柴油清净剂 Detergent Additive for Automobile Diesel Fuels
- 用 K-B(Kriby-Bauer)法测定志贺菌对7种抗菌药物的敏感性。 susceptibility of Shigella flexneri strains to 7 antimicrobial agents was determined by K-B(Kriby-Bauer)method.
- 滴定法测定污水中的碳酸氢根和挥发性脂肪酸 Deterimination of bicarbonate and total volatile acid concentration in wastewater using a simple titration
- 导纱瓷眼 yarn poteye
- "啊,多妙的衣服啊!" 皇帝想。 "Oh, what splendid clothes!" thought the Emperor.