- 多元Ismail-May算子 bivariate Ismail - May operators
- 多元论者坚持多元论的人 One who adheres to pluralism.
- 那么多 tanto
- 百元 century
- 越来越多 more and more
- 越来越多的 increasing
- 多元的佛教 The many faces of Buddhism
- 不多的 few
- 多元一体论 Theory of Integral Whole
- 越多越好 the more, the better
- 抱歉,给你带来那麽多的麻烦。 I'm sorry I have given you so much trouble.
- 这么多 this much
- 多层次 multi-level
- 命运多舛 suffer many mishaps in one's life
- 博学多才 be learned and accomplished
- 爱好打乒乓的人越来越多了。 More and more people are going in for table tennis.
- 哎,多练习就行了。 Oh, that comes with practice.
- 数量多 in large quantity
- 比较多 many
- 多元波动性 Volatility