- 复方维U颠茄铋铝片 compound Wei U Dianqie Bilü tablet
- 分光光度法测定复方维甲酸凝胶中维甲酸和红霉素的含量 Determination of Tretinoin and Erythromycin in Compound Tretinoin Gel by Spectrophotometry
- 颠茄合剂治疗婴幼儿轮状病毒肠炎疗效观察 Observaion on the therapeutic effect of Belladonna mixture in treatment of Rotavirus enteritis on infants
- 复方伊维菌素片含量测定方法的探讨 Determination of ivermectin in the compound tablets by ultraviolet spectrum
- 双波长薄层扫描法测定颠茄片中硫酸阿托品的含量 Determination of Content of Atropine Sulfate in Belladonna Tablet by Dual Wavelength Thinlayer Scanning Method
- 三种铝样品中~(232)Th和~(238)U的含量 ~(232)Th AND ~(238)U CONTANTS IN THREE Al SAMPLE
- 复方氯哌斯汀片 Tabella of Kechuantina
- 阿尔维铝镁硅合金 Aldrey
- 铋甲西林片的薄层色谱扫描定量分析 Determination of Amoxicillin and Metronidazole in Bijiaxilin Tablet by Dual-wavelength Thin-layer Scanning Technique
- 增敏火焰原子吸收法测定复方氢氧化铝片中的铝 Determination of Aluminium in Compound Aluminium Hydroxide Tablets Using Enhanced Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry
- 复方醋酸环丙孕酮片的HPLC测定 Determination of Compound Cyproterone Acetate Tablets by HPLC
- 在线双毛细管-氢化物火焰原子吸收光谱法测定砷、锑、铋、汞、硒和锡 Determinaiton of As, Sb, Bi, Hg, Se and Sn by on-Line Double Capillary-Atomic Absorption Spectrometry with Hydride Generation
- 二维心室肌中动作电位传导的数值算法研究 Numerical Algorithm for Conduction of Action Potential in Two-Dimensional Cardiac Ventricle Tissue
- HPLC法测定复方毛冬青氯贝酸铝片中芦丁的含量 Determination the Content of Rutin in Compound Hairy Holly and Aluminium Clofibrate Tablets by HPLC
- 变片距蒸发器性能数值分析与实验研究 Numerical Analysis and Experimental Study on Performance of Evaporator with Combination of Different Fin Pitch
- 利用无穷维李代数方法得到了相互作用sl玻色子体系在U( 2l+ 1 ) O( 2l+ 2 )过渡区的能谱和波函数的严格解 . Exact eigen-energies and the corresponding wavefunctions of the interacting sl-boson system in U(2l+1) transitional region are obtained by using an algebraic Bethe ansatz with the infinite dimensional Lie algebraic technique.
- 复方美愈缓释片的高效液相色谱法分析 Determination of guaifenesin and dextromethorphan hydrobromide in sustained-release tablets by HPLC
- 格片是由一流的镜面铝制成,可以避免强光照射, The grille is made of the first grade lens aluminium. Which avoids dazzling light, and may create a soft light.
- 复方伊维菌素和球虫粉联合应用于高原鼠兔球虫的驱治效果观察 Observation on the Effects of Combined Application of Compound Ivermectin and Tianziqiuchongfen in Expelling Coccidian of Altitude Pika
- 带扰流片的二维翼型非定常计算及分析 Numerical Investigation of Unsteady Flow on Airfoil with a Spoiler