- 增感屏X丝线胶片 screentype film
- 增感屏-胶片组合 Screen-film combination
- 新型宽域X线增感屏的研制 Develop of a New Wide-range X-ray Intensifying Screen
- 防粘性医用X线增感屏的研制和临床应用 The Experimental Study and Clinical Application of Protective Adherent Intensifying Screen of Medical X-ray
- 增感屏牙片成像效果不佳的原因分析 Reasons for the poor quality imaging with the intensifying screen of dental film
- 增感屏X线胶片 screen film
- 无增感屏X线胶片 nonscreen film; nonsensitized film
- 一种新型化学增感剂在X-射线胶片中的应用 Application of a Kind of Chemical Sensitization in the X-ray Film
- 无增感屏X射线胶片 non-screen X-ray film
- 在增感屏-胶片-药水系统广泛的设计和制造经验基础之上研制而成,因此,柯达药水在诊断可信度、工作流程、健康、安全、环境和收益率等方面上均可获得令人满意的效果。 Developed based on extensive experience in designing and manufacturing screen-film-chemical systems, KODAK Chemicals favorably impact diagnostic confidence; workflow; health, safety and environmental issues; and your bottom line.
- 增感系数 Intensifying factor
- 硫增感 sulfur sensitization
- 协同增感 cooperative sensitization
- 色素增感 dye-sensitized
- 还原增感 reduction sensitization
- 银增感法 silver intensification
- 利用皮秒激光激发技术研究纳米硫增感溴化银中光电子特性 Investigation on Photoelectrons Characteristics in AgBr Microcrystals Sensitized by Sulfide Nanoparticles Using the Excitation Technology Excitated by Picosecond Laser
- 增感屏 intensifying screen
- 银二聚体掺杂与甲酸根掺杂立方体溴化银乳剂的协同增感研究 Cooperative Sensitization by Silver Dimmer and Formate Doped in Cubic Silver Bromide Emulsions
- 通用增感屏 universal intensifying screen; universal screen