- 塞曼X线结晶分析法 Zeeman method
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- X线荧光分析法 x-ray fluorescence method
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- X-射线结晶分析 X-ray crystal analysis
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- 大破口失水事故低压安注排热和防止硼结晶分析 Analysis of Heat Removal and Boron Precipitation Prevention Using Low Head Injection System Following Large Break Loss of Coolant Accident
- X线摄片法 radiologically
- DeclanADoyleetal于 1998年利用X射线结晶分析在Streptomyceslividans(变铅青链霉菌 )中发现的KcsA(K+conductionandselectivityarchitecture)是一种新型的K+ 通道 . KcsA(K+ conduction and selectivity architecture)is a novel potassium channel which was discovered by Declan A. Doyle et al with X-ray crystallize analysis in Streptomyces lividans in 1998.KcsA consists of four subunit and each subunit consists of two alpha-helix.
- X线衍射晶体分析法 X-ray crystallography
- X线能谱分析 X-ray energy-dispersion
- 质子激发X线发射分析法 proton induced X-ray emission analysis
- 能谱-X线微束分析 energy dispersive analysis system of X-my
- 双能量X线吸收法 Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry(DEXA)
- 前牙根管的X线图像分析 Radiographic image analysis of root canal in anterior teech
- 光密度测定法,X线 Densitometry X-ray
- 慢性胃窦炎365例X线分析 X-ray analysis of chronic antral gastritis: a report of 365 cases
- 双能X线骨密度测量法 dual energy X-ray absorptiometry
- 47例强直性脊柱炎X线分析 Analysis of X-ray in the 47 cases of AS