- 基础设施BOT项目 infi'astructure BOT programs
- 基础设施BOT项目特许权期的决策模型 Decision-Making Model on Concession Term for Infrastructure BOT Projects
- 基础设施BOT项目的产品价格调整机制研究 Research on Price Adjustment Mechanism for Infrastructure BOT Projects'Products
- 浅谈BOT项目在西部开发基础设施建设中的应用 Elementarily Introduce the Application of BOT Project to Infrastructure in the Development of the West
- 西部大开发积极推进,基础设施和生态环境建设明显加快。 Positive advancement was scored in the development of the western region,with accelerated progress in the construction of infrastructure and ecological environment.
- 继续加强基础设施建设。 We should continue to strengthen infrastructure.
- 一是加强基础设施建设。 First, we strengthened infrastructure.
- 论民营化基础建设BOT项目风险之管理战略 Strategies in Risk Management of BOT Project
- 配套基础设施。 Supporting infrastructure
- 水基础设施 water infrastructure
- 基础设施建设项目融资中的BOT The BOT Pattern in the project financing of the construction of basic facilities
- 增加对农业基础设施建设和农业科技的投入。 We should invest more in the development of agriculture infrastructure and in agricultural science and technology.
- 应用基础设施 application infrastructure
- 关键基础设施 critical infrastructure
- 农村基础设施 rural infrastructure
- 绿色基础设施 green infrastructure
- 因为BOT项目投资规模大,且BOT项目为基础设施工程,关系东道国的经济命脉,因此项目受东道国政府法律环境等影响大; Because the investment scale of BOT is large and it is the project of infrastructure that concerns the economic lifeline of the host country so it will greatly be affected by the environment of laws of the government of the hostcountry.
- 交通基础设施 transportation infrastructure
- 环保基础设施 environmental protection infrastructure
- 基础设施供给 infrastructure provision