- 基因扩增浮L腺癌 breast carcinoma
- 腮腺多形性腺瘤及恶性多形性腺瘤c-erbB-2癌基因扩增与患者预后的关系 Study of the relation between c-erbB-2 Protooncogene amplificationand prognosis in parotid pleomorphic adenoma and parotid malignantpleomorphic adenoma
- 多重耐药株以及敏感株acrAB基因扩增产物无点突变和缺失。 No deletion or point mutation in acrAB gene were found in Mar and susceptible clinical Escherichia coli isolates.
- 方法:用高危型HPV-DNA HC2检测及PCR扩增联合DNA测序法,对25例宫颈癌(宫颈鳞癌23例,宫颈腺癌2例)进行高危型HPV检测。 Methods:Cervical cancer tissues from paraffin-embedded samples of each case were collected. DNA specimens,extracted from paraffin-embedded tissues of 25 patients with cervical cancer (including 23 squamous cell caci- nomas and 2 adenocarcinomas),were analysed for detection of high-risk HPV by two methods: HPV-DNA HC-2 and PCR combined with sequencing of HPV-DNA.
- 带前馈补偿的基因扩增反应高精度温控系统 Precise Temperature Control with Feedforward Compensation for Polymerase Chain Reaction
- 新型的克隆载体明显提高了克隆效率。 基因测序证实了AADC基因扩增的成功。 New clong vector promotes the effiency of cloning and gene sequencing demonstrated the success of human AADC gene amplification.
- 他莫昔芬,三苯氧胺,抑乳癌 Zitazonium
- 骨折愈合过程中血管内皮生长因子基因扩增及蛋白表达研究 The study of VEGF gene amplification and protein expression in the process of fracture healing
- 扩增p 16 promoter一luc一pGLZ一Basic报告基因表达质粒并提取其DNA。 P16-promoter-luc-pGL2-Basic plasmid DNA was prepared after plasmid amplification, and digested by EcoR I and Hind III.
- 脑源性神经营养因子受体trkB基因扩增和真核表达载体的构建 Amplification of brain-derived neurotrophic factor receptor trkB gene and construction of its eukaryotic expression vector
- 前列腺癌患者抗体库构建中抗体基因的扩增 Amplification of human antibody genes in the construction of antibody library
- 方法 用多重聚合酶链反应方法扩增dystrophin基因 9个外显子 ,检测先证者有无外显子缺失 ; Methods Deletion analysis of the probands was performed by multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to amplify 9 dystrophin exons described by Chamberlain.
- 儿童白血病中abl癌基因的重排和扩增与临床关系的研究 Rearrangement and Amplification of Oncogene v-abl Homologous Sequence and Their Relationship with Clinical Phenomenon in Childhood Leukemia
- 用脉冲电场凝胶电泳技术,从北京和美国加州的有机磷杀虫药剂抗性库蚊复合品系中分离出一条49kb的酯酶基因扩增片段。 Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis analysis of Beijing and Californian populations of Culex pipiens complex mosquitoes revealed that the enzyme Mlul produced a band of 49kb.
- 目的 :探讨癌基因HER2、mdm 2和C myc扩增与胃癌恶性程度、转移及预后的关系。 Objective: To determine the relationship between the amplification of the oncogene HER2, mdm 2 and C myc and the malignant degree,metastasis and prognosis of gastric cancer (GC).
- 目的:检测卵巢上皮性癌中17号染色体上野生型p53基因缺失与HER-2基因的扩增情况并探讨其临床意义。 Objective: To investigate the deletion of p53 gene and amplification of HER-2 oncogene at chromosome 17 in epithelial ovarian carcinoma(EOC) and the clinical significance.
- 方法:选择 4例经病理证实为食管鳞状细胞癌伴淋巴结转移病例,应用实时荧光定量PCR(RQ- PCR)技术测量其淋巴结转移灶中COL21A1、RUNX2和COAS基因的扩增倍数。 Methods: Four cases of metastatic lymph nodes tissue of esophageal cancer were subjected to quantity COL21A1, RUNX2 and COAS gene expression by RQ-PCR.