- 基于XML的远程过程调用 XML- RPC
- 一种基于网格环境的远程过程调用系统的设计与分析 Design and analysis of a Grid-based RPC system
- 基于XML的字处理软件的设计、开发及其在电子政务中的应用 Design and development of a word-processing software based on XML and its application in E-government systems
- 为KDE程序提供内部进程通信和远程过程调用。 Inter-process communication and remote procedure calls for KDE applications.
- NET开发平台下,WinCE中基于XML的数据同步的方式和方法。 This paper mainly introduces the manner and method of the data synchronization based on XML in WinCE in the developed platform of . NET.
- 指定DCOM验证所有以前的级别并加密每一远程过程调用的参数值。 Specifies that DCOM authenticates all previous levels and encrypts the argument value of each remote procedure call.
- 基于XML的盲用浏览器是帮助视力障碍者浏览XML网页而设计的。 Browser for blind person based on XML is designed for the blinds to browse XML web page.
- 网格远程过程调用 GridRPC
- 基于XML的数据库 XML-based database
- 间接过程调用 indirect procedure call
- 第9行是一个简单的参数列表,它将被传送给我们的远程过程。 Line 9 is a simple list of arguments that will be passed to our remote procedure.
- 基于XML的多层次范例映射模型 XML Based Multi-Hierarch Mapping Model of Case Representation
- 基于XML的数据持久化 Persistent Data Based on XML
- 实施远程过程调用的软件例行程序也可由处于不同地点的不同用户所共享。 Software routines implemented as remote procedure calls are also shared by different users at different locations.
- 基于XML的屏幕元素传输 XML Based Screen Element Transmission
- 服务请求者节点常常代表执行远程过程调用分布式对象或者服务提供者的商业应用程序组件。 Service requester nodes often represent business application components that perform remote procedure calls to distributed objects, or service providers.
- 基于XML的网上题库系统 An On-line Testing System Based on XML
- 基于XML的报表打印技术 The Technique of Printing Forms Based on XML
- 基于XML的数据库系统研究 Research on Database System Based on XML
- 中基于XML的服务数据共享 Service Data sharing Based on XML in Data Service Gird