- 基于IP城域网的QoS实现 Implementation of QoS Based on IP MAN
- 基于IP城域网的BGP MPLS VPN配置案例与分析 The Equivalent Cases and Analysis of BGP MPLS VPN Based on IP MAN
- IP城域网业务演进对设备、组网的要求 Requirement Equipment and Construction about IP Metro-Network Service Evolution
- 基于SDL协议的QoS实现方案 A QoS scheme based on SDL protocol
- 但是NGN 基于IP 分组传输的特点也使得端到端的QoS 的保证成为难点。 However, as NGN is based on IP packet transmission, it is difficult to ensure end to end QoS.
- 区分业务及其在IP城域网的实施 Diff-Serv and Its Realization in IP-based Metro Area Network
- IP 分组网的端到端的QoS 问题已经成为网络走向NGN 道路的拦路虎。 The end-to-end QoS guarantee of IP network has been handicap of in the way of NGN development.
- 基于WEB的IP城域网网管系统的设计与实现 The design and realization of an integrative network management system of IP MAN based on WEB
- 宽带城域网的设计与实现 The design and the realization of the broadband metropolitan area network
- 因此,在使用基于IP的身份验证时,将使用连接的IP地址为未加密(TCP)连接提供身份验证机制。 Therefore, when you use IP-based authentication, the connecting IP address or addresses are used to provide authentication mechanism for unencrypted (TCP) connections.
- 根据参数生成数值栅格要素,它具有指定的范围大小和数值,并输入转换流程。 NumericRasterCreator Creates a feature with a raster of the specified size with a numeric value using the parameters supplied, and sends it into the workspace for processing.
- 我市已经建立了一套城域网,这使企业之间联络更加便利。 Our city has established a set of area networks, which make it more convenient for enterprises to contact with each other.
- 城域网技术探讨 The research of MAN technique
- 在桌面系统上IP和以太网占有主导地位,这意味着大多数新的人员间通信应用将是基于IP的,并使用RSVP来请求QoS。 The dominance of IP and Ethernet at the desktop means most new interpersonal communications applications will be IP-based and use RSVP to request QoS.
- 城域综合业务传送网的发展 Development of Metropolitan Area Integrative Service Transfer Network
- 武汉有线电视宽带IP城域网方案设计 Tentative Design of CATV Broadband IP MAN in Wuhan
- 同步光缆网(SONET)早已是在城域网(MAN)上提供服务的媒介选择。 SONET has long been the medium of choice for delivering services over metropolitan-area networks (MAN).
- 宽带城域网接入方式的选择与比较 Options And Comparision Of The Access Way Of City Broadband Networks
- 用DPT技术构建有线营用级宽带IP城域网 Establishing the Commercial Broad Band IP Local Network with DPT Techniques