- 基于BBS的网络交往特征 Characteristics of internet interaction based on a study of BBS
- 基于BBS的大学英语教学研究与实践 CET Research and Application Based on BBS
- 网络 network
- 基于BBS的网上群体学习的答疑系统的研究 The Research in GSAAS(Group Study Ask and Answer System)Based on Internet BBS
- 基于BBS的知识获取方法及其在质量管理中的应用 Research on Knowledge Acquisition Based on BBS and Its Application in Quality Management
- 特征 tincture
- 论网络BBS的议题特征及议题建构 Features and frame of Topics on BBS
- 网络交往 internet communication
- 交往 association
- 网络连接 network connections
- 基于BBS平台的生生异步交互模式研究 Research on asynchronous interactive mode between students based on BBS platform
- 网络设置 network settings
- 网络交往实践 practice of cyberspace communication
- 偏瘫患者平衡功能的定量评定:BPM和BBS的对照研究 Balance assessment of patient with hemiplegia: the case-control study of balance performance monitor and Berg balance scale
- 网络技术 network technology
- 基于Web BBS的教学模式例析 Teaching Models Based on Web BBS
- 试析网络交往行为的戏剧性 Analysing the Dramatic Features of Network Contact Action
- 基于数据挖掘技术的BBS的安全管理 The Security Management of BBS Based on Data Mining
- 细脉和其它的细脉联合形成一个连续的网络。细脉的网状式样是双子叶植物的主要特征。 The minor veins join with other minor veins, forming a conspicuous network. The reticulate pattern of minor veins is characteristic of most dicotyledonous plants.
- 网络交往中真实性的社会学分析 An Sociological Analysis of the Factuality in Network Communication