- 基于Agent的分布仿真 agent-based distributed simulation
- 基于Agent的分布仿真中层次时间管理机制的研究与实现 Study and Implementation of a Hierarchical Time Management Mechanism in Agent-Based Distributed Simulation
- 基于Agent的建模与仿真(ABMS)是研究复杂系统的有效手段,基于Agent的分布仿真则是ABMS研究的重要内容,而通信系统是分布仿真中的基础部分。 Agent-based distributed simulation is an important research content of Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation(ABMS),which is an effective way for complex systems. The communication system is the foundation of distributed simulation,so a communication system in agent-based distributed simulation was proposed and implemented with java language.
- 基于Agent的分布计算环境模型研究 Research on Model of the Distributed Computing Environment based on Agents
- 白内障防盲手术中人工晶状体度数的分布状态与优化配置 The distribution of intraocular lens diopter in cataract surgery for prevention of blindness
- 基于Agent的虚拟企业合作伙伴选择方法 A Approach on Agent-based Partner Selection for Virtual Enterprise
- 基于Multi-Agent的技术性贸易壁垒预警预测系统研究与开发 Research on Early Warning and Alert System Based on Multi-Agent for Technical Barriers to Trade
- 炮弹的散布范围榴霰弹片、炮弹碎片或短枪射击在靶区的分布和散布面 The distribution and spread, around a targeted region, of spent shrapnel, bomb fragments, or shot from a shotgun.
- 基于Agent的仿真 ABS (agent-based simulation)
- 一块长方形地一组小块的,通常是土地中长方形的用地,用于深入研究某地区动植物的分布 Any of a group of small, usually rectangular plots of land arranged for close study of the distribution of plants or animals in an area.
- 基于Agent的网络漏洞扫描系统的设计与实现 Design and Implementation of Agent-based Network Vulnerability Scanning System
- 基于Agent建模与仿真 agent-based modeling & simulation
- 然后基于BDI模型和情境演算理论,提出一个自主Agent的框架; Started with introducing a language for representing autonomous agent, a framework is proposed for modeling autonomous agent based on a BDI model and the situation calculus.
- 基于Agent和特征技术融合的分布式CAPP研究及其在液压机制造中的应用 Research on the Agent and Feature Technology Based Distributed CAPP and Its Application in the Manufacturing of Hydraulic Press Machine
- 基于HLA的电子战分布仿真环境设计 Design of EW Distributed Simulation System Based on HLA
- 基于Agent的G网 agent-based G-net
- 本文解释了ATP,提出了基于HTTP的传输方式,并给出了Agent的类MIME封装方法。 In this thesis, ATP is explained, the transport method based on HTTP is presented, and how to encapulate the agent in a MIME-like message is shown.
- 基于虚拟共享内存中件的分布仿真平台构架方法研究 The Study of Constructing Distributed Simulation Platform Based of Virtual Shared Memory Middleware
- 基于agent的建模 ABM