- 均匀三次B样条 Uniform cubic B - spline
- 非均匀三次参数样条曲线的能量最优光顺算法 Energy Optimization Fairing Algorithm of Non-uniform Cubic Parametric Splines
- 三次B样条 cubic B-spline
- 双三次B样条 Bi-cubic B-spine
- 三次B样条函数 Thrice B -spline function
- 反求三次B样条曲线控制顶点的一种快速算法 Research on Algorithm of Computing Control Points of Cublic B-Spline Curve
- 他连续三次上学迟到。 He was late for school three times in succession.
- T-B样条 T-B spline
- 该队连续三次获胜。 The team notched up their third victory in a row.
- 她要别人提示三次。 She needed to be prompted three times.
- α-B样条 α-B spline
- 他们向敌人发起过三次袭击。 They charged the enemy three times.
- T-B样条曲线 T-- B spline curve
- 十的三次方是一千。 10 to the power of 3 is 1000.
- 百万的三次方 quintillion
- 基于B-样条插值建立高速IC中互连系统瞬态响应的数值模型 Numerical Model for Transient of Interconnection System in High-Speed IC on B-Spline Interpolation
- 约化三次 reduced cubic
- 三次创业 The three pioneering works
- 二次样条 quadratic spline
- 三次成像 Thrice-imaging