- 地面控制点(GCP) Ground control point (GCP)
- 在没有地面控制点(Ground Control Point简称GCP)、没有数字高程模型(Digital Elevation Models简称DEM)的情况下利用R-D模型和地球模型进行定位的理论与方法。 Contents in the article include :U The location theory and method which using the R-D model and earth model without the Ground Control Points (GCP)and Digital Elevation Models(DEM);
- 无地面控制点 camera calibration
- 等高地面控制点 ground control point with equal elevation
- 无地面控制点卫星摄影测量 Satellite Photogrammetry Without Ground Control Point
- 地面 surface
- 点亮 illumine
- 早点 (n) breakfast; light breakfast
- 甜点 dessert
- 无地面控制点卫星摄影测量高程误差估算 Elevation error estimation of satellite photogrammetry without ground control point
- 地面上 aground
- 几点 some
- 预防电网稳定破坏及提高线路输送功率的GCP型功率测量控制装置 GCP Power Measuring and Control Equipment for Preventing the Loos of Power System Stability and Raising the Capacity of Transmission Power
- 点钟 o'clock
- 点的 punctual
- 拐点 inflexion
- 通用地面控制站 common ground control system
- 中点 midpoint
- 不同点 differentia
- 准点 on schedule