- 四驱车辆ABS控制算法 ABS control algorithm for four-wheel drive cars
- 四驱车辆 four-wheel drive cars
- 四轴全驱车辆 all-wheel-drive vehicle with four axles
- ABS控制 anti- lock braking system (ABS) control
- 4轴全驱车辆 4-axle all-wheel-drive vehicle
- 加速度信号实时校正参考车速的ABS控制原理及特性研究 Principle and Performance Research of ABS by Using New Method of Reference Vehicle Speed Acceleration Signal Correcting
- 蜂巢和吞食者:用吞食者对付蝎子和四驱车。 Buzzer Hives and Devourer Tanks: Use the Devourer Tanks to deal with Scorpion Tanks and Raider Buggies.
- 最优控制算法 algorithm for optimal control
- 去年五名苏格兰人因失控玩具四驱车而受伤. 5 Scots were injured last year in accidents involving out-of-control Scalextric cars.
- 自驱车辆提供驱动力的轴承。 the axle of a self-propelled vehicle that provides the driving power.
- PID控制算法 PID control algorithm
- 新型电控液驱车辆储能元件特性分析 Study on Characteristics of Energy Storage Element for a New Vehicle with Electronic Control and Hydraulic Drive
- 仿真图形显示,具有ABS的制动模型,滑移率被控制在0.1~0.2范围内,轮速随车速逐渐减为零,说明基于本模型的ABS控制方法基本合理。 From simulation graph,slip rate was controlled between 0.1~0.2 and speed of wheels with speed of the vehicle was reduced to zero. It shows that the ABS control logic based on this model is reasonable.
- 主动控制算法 active control
- 在游戏后期,给四驱车升级脉冲线圈,利用微操冲入敌阵展开,你就可以直接清场了。 In late game situations, upgrading your buggies with the EMP Burst and microing them to get within your enemies force and deploying can turn the tide in the battle.
- 新型电控液驱车辆燃油经济性计算与分析 Fuel Economic Analysis for a New Vehicle with Electronic Control and Hydrostatic Transmission
- 先进控制算法 advanced control algorithms
- 新型电控液驱车辆传动系统特性及匹配研究 Research on Characteristics and Matching between Accumulator and Hydrostatic Transmission System for a New Vehicle with Electronic Control
- 联合控制算法 combining control algorithms
- 补偿控制算法 compensation control algorithm