- 喜树碱N-氧化物 camptothecin N-oxide
- 低剂量羟基喜树碱联合低剂量FLP方案治疗晚期消化系肿瘤 Observation of chemotherapy combined low-dose HCPT with low-dose FLP for advanced digestive carcinoma
- 以羟基喜树碱为基础的联合方案对实验性鼻咽癌抗瘤作用的研究 Study of Anticancer Effect of Hydroxycampothecin-based Combination against Experimental Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma
- 经尿道膀胱肿瘤切除联合术后膀胱灌注羟基喜树碱治疗浅表性膀胱肿瘤 Clinical significance of transurethral resection of bladder tumors combined with intravesical instillation of Hydroxycamptothecin after operation treating superficial bladder tumors
- 对照组30例,采用羟基喜树碱5mg+0.9%氯化钠100ml,周一至周五静脉滴注。 30 of control group used hydroxycamptothecin 5mg+0.9%25 sodium chloride 100ml- from Monday to Friday.
- 喜树碱 camptothecin
- 喜树碱11 irinotecan(cpt-11)
- 喜树碱钠 camptothecin sodium; CS
- 羟喜树碱 hydroxycamptothecine
- 羟基喜树碱与ECF方案术前化疗对中、晚期胃癌近期疗效观察 Recent curative effect of preoperation chemotherapy used hydroxycamptothecine and ECF plan on gastric carcinoma in middle-late period
- 喜树碱乳醇 camptothecin lactol
- 羟基喜树碱 hydroxycamptothecine
- 去氧喜树碱 deoxycamptothecine
- PEG-喜树碱 Prothecan<抗肿瘤药>
- 醋酸喜树碱 camptothecin acetate
- 喜树碱混悬液 Camptothecine Suspension
- 喜树碱甲酰胺 camptothecin methylamide
- 已酰基喜树碱 hexanoyl camptothecin
- 喜树碱类药物 camptothecin derivative
- 10-羟基喜树碱 10-hydroxycamptothecine; OH-CN