- 和M成正比例 vary directly as M
- 与...成正比例 be directly [inversely, reciprocally] proportional to
- 成 succeed
- 成正比例的 directly proportional
- 成正比例的; 直接比例的 directly proportional
- 不成 won't do
- 翻译成 translate into
- 理想主义,是按和问题的距离成正比例而增大的。 Idealism increase in direct proportion to one's distance from the problem.
- 成形 shaped
- 和M成反比例 vary inversely as M
- 成正比 be directly proportional; direct proportion
- 成正比例的;直接比例的 directly proportional
- 宿主的发病率和死亡率与吃进球虫卵囊的数目,通常是成正比的。 The morbidity and mortality of the host species is usually proportional to the number of cocidial cocysts ingested.
- 不可否认的事实是,广告的多少是和经济发达的程度成正比的。 The undeniable fact is that the amount of advertisement and economical development is directly proportional.
- 全面规划似乎阻碍了经济规模与增长成正比例的发展。 Total planning seems to obstruct growth in direct proportion to the scale of the economy.
- 你的工资将会和你的工作量成正比。 your salary will rise proportionately to your workload.
- 两个天体之间的引力和它们的质量成正比。 The pull between two bodies is proportional to the product of their masses.
- 电流与电压成正比。 The electric current varies directly with the voltage.
- 恒定振幅的谐运动,其加速度与物体离开平行位置的位移成正比。 periodic motion in which the restoring force is proportional to the displacement.
- 和 ... 成正比 vary directly as ...