- 含银HA/TiO2复合膜层 Silver doped HA/TiO2 composite coating
- 采用恒压模式微弧氧化对医用钛材表面改性,制备出含钙磷的TiO2复合膜层,借助于SEM、XRD和EDS研究了阳极电压对膜层的形貌、相组成和钙磷含量的影响,探讨了膜层表面和孔内钙磷的分布规律。 TiO_2 composite film containing P and Ca was prepared on surface of medical Ti materials by microarc oxidation with constant voltage. The effects of anode voltage on the morphology, phase constituent and Ca, P content in the oxide films were investigated by SEM, XRD and EDS, focusing on the Ca and P content disposition regularity in the oxide film surface and in intra-pore.
- 层 layer
- TiO2复合膜 titanium composite membrane
- 双层辉光法制备含银抗菌不锈钢层工艺 Preparation of Antibacterial Stainless Layer with Silver by Double Glow Plasma Surface Alloying Technology
- 复合膜层 composite coating
- 含银药膏 mercurial ointment
- Nafion/TiO2复合膜 Nafion/TiO2 composite membrane
- 铅矿:自前罗马时代开始,英国的铅矿就被开发了。内含银。 Lead ore: British lead ores have been worked since pre-Roman times. It contains silver.
- 含银 silver-bearing
- HA/PU复合膜 HA/PU composite film
- 以玻片为载体,采用溶胶 凝胶法制备了CeO2 TiO2复合光催化剂。 CeO_2-TiO_2 coated photocatalyst was prepared over glass surface by sol-gel method, and characterized by XRD.
- 一个生物学的大迷团是为什么膜层经常在细胞内而很少在细胞间融合。 One great biological puzzle is why membrances frequently fuse intracellularly, but rarely intercellularly.
- 含银的 argentiferous
- 纳米TiO2复合蜂胶 Nanometer TiO2 composite propolis
- 滑膜层 stratum synoviale
- 含银汞 argental mercury
- SiO2/TiO2复合薄膜 SiO2/TiO2 composite film
- 该分泌器横亘囊泡膜层,可做为披衣菌与宿主细胞细胞质之间的通道。 This apparatus, which spans the membrane of the entry vacuole, serves as a conduit between the bacteria and the cytoplasm of the host cell.
- 含银铅 argentiferous lead