- 含权Sobolev空间 weighted Sobolev space
- 先用Lax-Milgram定理证明一类退化散度型椭圆型方程在带权Sobolev空间中弱解的存在唯一性,然后证明解的正则性。 Existence and uniqueness are proved by Lax-Milgram theorem for a type of degenerate divergence elliptic equation in a type of Sobolev spaces with weight, and also the regularity will be studied.
- 含权债 bonds with options
- 含权网络 weighted networks
- Sobolev空间 Sobolev space
- 次临界指数增长的含权广义平均曲率算子 Weighted Generalized Mean Curvature Operator with Subcritical Exponent Growth
- 加权Sobolev空间 weighted Sobolev space
- 相对Sobolev空间 relative Sobolev space
- 内含 include
- Odicz-Sobolev空间 Orlicz-Sobolev space
- 知情权 right to know
- 男权主义者 masculinist
- 内含子 introne
- 变指数Sobolev空间 variable exponent Sobolev space
- 除权 ex rights
- 桃花正含苞待放。 The peach flowers are now in bud.
- 这里有很大的活动空间。 There is plenty of space here to move about.
- 追索权 recourse
- 此产品不含任何人造防腐剂。 This product contains no artificial preservatives.
- 自由空间 free space