- 同时多层面X线摄影术 simultaneous multisection radiography
- 同时多层面X线摄影(术) simultaneous multisection radiography
- 同时多层面X线摄影 simultaneous multisection radiography
- 乳线X线摄影术 Mammography
- 直接数字X线摄影术 Direct digital radiography
- 计算机化横层面X线扫描计 automatic computerized transverse axial tomographic scanner
- 一个同时多线程处理器模拟器的设计和实现 OpenSMT: The Design and Implementation of a Simulator for Simultaneous Multithreading Processor Architecture
- 乳腺X线摄影 Mammography
- 一种具有QoS特性的同时多线程处理器取指策略 A QoS Capable Fetch Policy for SMT Processors
- 由计算机操作的氙气层面X线照相术不仅可以象传统的CT扫描仪那样拍摄下大脑的图像,还可以使医生精确地测量出到底有多少血液流回大脑的不同部位。 Xenon computed tomography not only takes a picture of the brain, as does a traditional CT scan, but also allows doctors to measure exactly how much blood is flowing to different parts of the brain.
- 基于负载瞬时IPC性能的同时多线程处理器取指策略 An Instantaneous IPC Based Instruction Fetch Policy for SMT Processors
- 子宫输卵管照相,子宫输卵管X线摄影,子宫输卵管造影术 uterosalpingography
- 基于多个取指优先级的同时多线程处理器取指策略 An Instruction Fetch Policy Based on Multiple Fetch Priorities for SMT Processors
- 钼钯X线摄影 mammography
- 一种提高同时多线程VLIW处理器中取指单元吞吐率的方法 A Method to Improve the Throughput of the Instruction Fetch Unit in SMT VLIW Processors
- 子宫输卵管照相术,子宫输卵管X线摄影,子宫输卵管造影术 uterosalpingography
- 基于EPIC的动态同时多线程微体系结构线程调度技术研究 The Research of Thread Scheduling Technology in Dynamic SMT Architecture Base on EPIC
- X线摄影技术学 X-ray Radiography Technology
- 同时多线程 simultaneous multithreading
- 子宫输卵管照相,子宫输卵管X线摄影(术), 子宫输卵管造影术 uterosalpingography