- 他们各走各的路。 They went their several ways.
- 他们分手之后各走各的路 parted and went their several ways
- 我们要各走各的路了。 We have to go our separate ways now.
- 你是说我们从此各走各的路? You mean to go one way in the world and let me go another.
- 他们各走各的去了。 They went their several ways.
- 司令部发出命令,各路大军一起开始总攻。 The headquarters ordered that all the armies carry out a general attack together.
- 我可以这么说:我俩开始各走各的阳关道了。 And I could tell we had each taken our own,perfectly normal paths.
- 我曾经建议,军委、各总部领导同志,现在还请各路“诸侯”,每一位选十个人,搞出一个名单。 I have suggested that leading comrades in the Military Commission and the general departments -- and here I include you "big mandarins" from the various regions -- each draw up a list of a dozen persons.
- 我想我们得各走各的了,但我很高兴能认识你。 Eg: I guess we have to go our separate ways now, but I'm really glad we met.
- 来自5路不同信源的音频信号,进入音频信号处理模块,来完成音频信号音量调节、各路信源切换、高低音设置等任务; The audio signal from five different of signal sources, input the audio Signal process module, which finish the audio signal volume regulate, all the signal sources switch, treble/bass set etc task.
- 在各方面 in every respect
- 我有一卷彩色胶卷。请把它冲洗一下,并且每张底片各印一张照片。 I have get a roll of colored film. Please develop it and make one print each exposure.
- 一块走并不表明我俩特好,只是两人同路去一个地方,各走各的不是很奇怪吗? It was just that it would haveseemed odd to walk singly when we were going the same way and to the same place.
- 在校4年学习期间,各门功课均为优良。 During my four academic years. I made good grades on all courses.
- 各地区 each department
- "来和她谈谈吧," 玛丽说着,然后在人群中挤出一条路往前走,约翰紧随其后。 "Come and talk to her, " said Mary, and she clove a way through the crowd, John following in her wake.
- 人们各有各的观点:有些人喜欢危险,有些人喜欢安全。世上的人真是各式各样。 People have their own ideas. Some like danger. Some like security. It takes all sorts to make a world.
- 颈动脉两条主支脉中的一条,颈部两边各一条,把血液运输到头部 Either of the two major arteries, one on each side of the neck, that carry blood to the head.
- 我走错了路。 I took the wrong way.
- 将下列各段译成中文。 Translate the following paragraphs into Chinese.