- 各向异性粘结NdFeB anisotropic bonded NdFeB
- 各向异性粘结NdFeB磁体 anisotropic bonded NdFeB magnet
- 工艺参数对注射成形各向异性粘结NdFeB磁体性能的影响 Effect of processing parameters on the properties of injection molding anisotropic bonded NdFeB magnet
- 各向异性粘结稀土永磁 anisotropic rare earth permanent magnet
- 软x射线磁性圆二色吸收谱研究铁单晶薄膜的面内磁各向异性 In-plane anisotropy of iron single-crystal thin film using x-ray magnetic circular dichroism
- 发射特性对线性各向异性散射介质内瞬态温度分布的影响 Effect of emitting characteristics on transient temperature distribution in linearly anisotropic scattering media
- 不同基体刚性偶氮化合物光致光学各向异性及其唯象模拟 Photoinduced Anisotropy of Azo Polymer with Different Matrices Rigidity and Their Phenomenological Simulation
- DRESOR法对含有边界的一维各向异性散射介质辐射传递方程的求解 Solution of radiative transfer equation for one dimensional anisotropic scattering media with different boundary conditions by DRESOR method
- NdFeB纳米复合永磁材料的交换耦合相互作用和有效各向异性 Exchange-coupling interaction and effective anisotropy of NdFeB nanocomposite permanent magnetic materials
- 折射各向异性 refraction anisotropy
- 各向异性比 anisotropy ratio
- 流动各向异性 streaming anisotropy
- 构造各向异性 structural anisotropy
- 各向异性系数 anisotropy coefficient
- 黏弹各向异性 Viscoelastic anisotropy
- 正交各向异性 orthotropy
- 面磁各向异性 surface magnetic anisotropy
- 木材各向异性 anisotropy of wood
- 各向异性彗差 anisotropic coma
- 极性各向异性板 polar aeolotropic board