- 另一份血清ICD(U/L)(?) It is valid when The ICD activity at a range of 0 to 80 U/L.
- 你们还要出具另一份证明书,以证明货物没有受放射线污染。 You may have another certificate showing the goods to be free from radioactive contamination.
- XHF-IgM抗体阳率为13%。 还检测到一份血清为Ebola病毒IgG抗体阳性。 For detection HV and XHFV virus-specific immunoglobulin antibodies, IgM-capture-enzyme-linkedimmunosorbnet assay was performed on serum samples and IgG antibodies of Q32 (subgenotype of Hantaan), NC167, XHF and Ebola virues were detected by indirect immunofluorescent antibody assay (IFA).
- 我刚接受了另一份我觉得更感兴趣的工作。 I just accepted another offer that I feel is more interesting to me.
- 另一份奏章是关于教会改革的。 Another paper was on church reform.
- "一种颜色能与另一种颜色混合在一起吗?如果可以,那会产生什么颜色呢?" "Can one colour merge into another? If yes, what colour will result?"
- 这项不平等的和平协定导致了另一场战争。 The unjust peace agreement set the scene for another war.
- 她签字放弃财产中属于她的那一份。 She signed away her share in the property.
- 接着琳看见了另一份礼物。 Then Lynn sees another gift.
- 作为协议条件,另一家公司坚持要求早日交换有关合同的信息。 The other firm are stipulating for and early exchange of information regarding the contract.
- 不过最为脆弱的,应该是40岁以上,靠自己一份收入撑起整个家的中年人。 But the most vulnerable are those aged 40 and above. Likely to be the sole breadwinners.
- 我们也许能给你找到一份女招待的工作。 We might get you a post as a waitress.
- 本词典用大写字母表示查本词时请参考另一词。 In this dictionary capital letters are used to cross-refer from one word to another.
- 另点的一份炸薯条 a side order of fries
- 炸弹爆炸的强劲气流把两个行人刮到街的另一边去了。 The bomb blast blew two passers-by across the street.
- 她很幸运在广播电台找到了一份工作。 She was lucky to find a job in radio.
- 那只猴子在另一只猴子身上找跳蚤。 The monkey scratched about in its mate's fur for fleas.
- 我们给了这五个孩子每人均等的一份。 We gave each of the five children an equal share.
- 这家公司有足够的资金来兴建另一家工厂。 The corporation has enough capital to build another factory.
- 我们必须为这个释放犯人安排一份至少是临时的工作。 We must fix the ex-convict up with at least an odd job.