- 反RNA干扰 Anti-RNAi
- 反 anti-
- 干扰 obstruction
- 反转 rollback
- 反过来 while
- RNA干扰 RNA interference
- RNA干扰下调不同肿瘤细胞表皮生长因子受体表达及其意义 RNA interference mediated inhibition of epidermal growth factor receptor expression and its significance in different human cancer cell lines
- 反倾销 anti-dumping
- 反问 rhetorical question
- 电磁干扰 electromagnetic interference (emi)
- 反恐 anti-terrorism
- 小RNA干扰 siRNA
- 干扰的 interferential
- 反相 opposite phase
- 反方向 negative direction
- 服RNA干扰 RNA interference
- 反讽 irony
- 反渗透 reverse osmosis
- RNA干扰库 RNA interference library
- 反义 antonymy