- 反意连词I但是 the adversative conjunction Ibut .
- 反意连词但是 The adversative conjunction but.
- 转折连词,反意连词 A disjunctive conjunction.
- 在意的 equipollent
- "人们相信一场新的经济危机可能再次席卷全球,但是我们希望它不要发生。" "It is conceivable that there will be a new economic crisis throughout the world, but we hope it won't happen."
- 第i仿射坐标 ith affine coordinates
- 农民们造贪官污吏的反。 The peasants rose in rebellion against the corrupt officials.
- 消痞I号 xiaopi I
- "但是我不能在这里对付他们,因为我的船缺少装备。" "But I cannot face them here, for my ships are out of gear."
- 他深深地涉入了反毒品运动。 He was deeply involved with the anti-drugs crusade.
- "但是等一下," 简突然说,"我的故事还没完。" "But wait, " Jane chucked out, "I haven't finished my story."
- 他们已反守为攻。 They had turned the tables on the attackers.
- 实意 sincere
- 枪放后向后反冲。 The gun recoiled after being fired.
- 她戴了一顶假发,但是我们很快就识穿了她的伪装。 She had a wig on, but we soon penetrated her disguise.
- 意商 will - quotient
- 他一度从事反政府的活动。 He once engaged in anti-government activity.
- 电子化高科技办公室意谓着现有的办公方式和角色的变更。 The electronic office will mean a revision of existing office procedures and job roles.
- 生病的小孩在床上辗转反侧焦躁不安。 The sick child tumbled restlessly in his bed.
- "我对自己说过的话很懊悔" 。 "不必在意,反正我不会记在心上的。" "I'm sorry for what I said." "Forget it, I can't remember anyway."