- 双闭环PID控制 double-loop PID control
- 基于瞬时无功功率理论和双闭环PID控制构架,设计了一种新型的FC-TCR型SVC控制系统。 Based on instantaneous reactive power theory and double closed-loop PID control strategy, a novel FC-TCR static var compensator (SVC) control system was designed.
- 基于神经元的倒立摆双闭环PID控制 Neuro-PID Double-loop Control for Single Inverted Pendulum
- 开闭环PID型 open-closed loop PID-type
- 滚轧机电液比例闭环PID位控系统技术 Technolgy of Electric Liquid Ratio Closed Loop PID Positioning Control System for Mill
- 非线性系统开闭环PID型迭代学习控制的收敛性分析 An Open-Closed Loop PID-Type Iterative Learning Control Scheme for Nonlinear Systems and Its Convergence
- PID控制 PID control
- 基于传递函数估计的闭环PID参数自整定 Self-tuning of PID Parameters in Closed-loop Based on Transfer Function Estimation
- 一种基于鲁棒性设计的一阶倒立摆双闭环控制方法 A Robust Double-loop Control to Single Inverted Pendulum
- 基于PID控制的主动磁轴承-飞轮转子系统运动稳定性研究 Study on Dynamic Stability of Flywheel Rotor Supported by AMB Based on PID Controller
- 双闭环 double closed-loop
- 改进PID控制 advanced PID control
- 双闭环检测 double closed loop
- 模糊PID控制 fuzzy PID control
- 双闭环调速 double closed loop speed-governing
- PID控制算法 PID control algorithm
- 双闭环解耦 double closed-loop decoupling
- 专家PID控制 expert PID control
- 双闭环调速系统 cascade control system
- 流量PID控制 flux control