- 双链RNA表达 dsRNA expression
- 恶性黑素瘤和普通痣细胞痣组织中双链RNA依赖的蛋白激酶的表达 Expression of Double-stranded RNA-dependent Protein Kinase in Malignant Melanoma and Ordinary Nevi
- 双链RNA分解酶 dsRNA dependent ribonuclease
- 小的干涉双链RNA siRNA
- 表达 to voice (an opinion)
- 双链RNA依赖的蛋白激酶 Double-stranded RNA-dependent protein kinase (PKR)
- 双链RNA病毒诱导的牙鲆胚胎细胞差减cDNA文库的构建 Construction of a Subtractive cDNA Library from the Paralichthys olivaceus Embryonic Cells Induced by a Double-Stranded RNA Virus
- 短链RNA干扰 short interfering RNA
- 长双链RNA非特异性诱导人骨肉瘤细胞凋亡的实验研究 Nonspecific apoptosis induced by long, double-stranded RNA in human osteosarcoma cells
- 双链RNA激活的蛋白激酶(PKR)的克隆表达及其对丙型肝炎病毒蛋白合成的抑制作用 Cloning and Expression of Double-Stranded RNA Activated Protein Kinase(PKR) and Its Effect on Hepatitis C Virus Internal Ribosome Entry Site(IRES) Directed Protein Synthesis
- 双链树 double chained tree
- 双链RNA double strand RNA; double stranded RNA; ds RNA; dsRNA
- 双链技术 doubly chained technique
- 女式双链表 bracelet style watch
- 双链式 double-chain
- 双链路 Dual-link
- 双链环 double linked rings
- 双链酶 varidase
- 双链体 duplex
- 孤双链 independent double linkages