- 双源64层CT dual source 64 slices CT
- 64层CT 64-slice CT
- 薄层CT Thin - section CT
- 层 layer
- 单源64层CT single clinic source 64 slices CT
- 双源热泵 double source heat pump
- 16层CT肺部低剂量应用研究 Low-dose Chest 16-slice CT: A Clinical Study
- 64层CT血管成像 64 slice CT
- 单层 monolayer
- 对头颅轴位薄层CT扫描内听道形态的再认识 Further Recognize the Morphology of Internal Auditory Meatus on Cranial Axial CT Scan with Thin Lamina
- 内层 lining
- 薄层 folium
- 层数 number of plies
- 层高 height between floors
- 层压 lamination
- 特异性:ECT(64.3%)明显低于CT(94.1%)及X线平片(92.9%); the specificity of ECT (64. 3%25 ) was significantly lower than CT(94.1%25 ) and X - ray(92. 9%25 );
- 层板 plywood
- 层的 stratal
- 中间层 mesosphere
- 层析 chromatography