- 双方向PCA bidirectional PCA
- 双方向 twocouese
- 双方向扩散 bidirectional diffusion
- 内向 diffidence
- 双方向复制 bidirectional replication
- 双方向平衡 duplex balance
- 内向的 introrse
- 双方向显性 ambidirectional dominance
- 轴向 axial direction
- 正向 positive direction
- 双方向逆变器 double direction invert-er
- 敝人向贵公司申请担任会计员一事,承蒙回复,十分感谢。 I very much appreciate your acknowledgment of my application for the position of accountant.
- 南向 southing
- 双方向LDA(BDLDA) bidirectional LDA (BDLDA)
- 别忘了代我向他们问好。 Don't forget to give my regards to them.
- 周向 circumferential direction
- 背向 trailing direction
- 针对这一问题,杜鲁门总统要求国会向希腊和土耳其提供4亿美元的资金。 President Truman met the problem by asking Congress for400 million dollars to aid Greece and Turkey.
- 他们向市场推出一种新产品。 They put a new product on the market.
- 法向 normal direction