- 又称T3试剂盒 Trisorb
- T3试剂盒 Trilute
- 又称 have another name called
- 约翰逊,又称约翰 Johnson, alias Johns.
- 全国人体重要寄生虫病现状调查中囊虫病试剂盒批间差异的比较 Comparison of difference among three groups of cysticercosis kit in the national survey on the important parasitic diseases
- 斗鱼身上的蓝绿色又称为绿松石色,因为绿色中又带有蓝色调。 The color green in bettas is often synonymous with turquoise because the color usually has a blue tint.
- 诊断试剂盒 diagnostic reagent kit
- 美称 good name
- 又称B12辅酶 5'-deoxyadenosyl cobalamin
- 食品安全和反兴奋剂领域常用药物快速检测试剂盒的开发 Development of ELISA Kats and gold test strips in food safety and performance-enhancing drugs
- 玻璃膜-又称:脉络膜 Bruch's membrane
- 研究试剂盒 research kit
- 又称聚乙烯气泡膜 Polyethylene Bubble Film Making Machine
- 磷酸酶pNPP检测试剂盒,用于磷酸酶活性检测和抑制剂筛查的。 PNPP Phosphatase Assays for phosphatase activity and inhibitor screen.
- 疯牛病,又称牛海绵状脑病(bovinespongiformencephacitis,BSE)。 Mad cow disease, also known as bovine spongiform encephacitis (BSE), is generally considered from the same source of Scrapie, and they are caused by the same kind of sponginess brain tissue pathological changes.
- 同位素试剂盒 isokit
- 目的:进一步研究金疮小草(又称白毛夏枯草)中的neo-克罗烷二萜。 AIM: To undertake further research of the neo-clerodane d iterpenens from Ajuga deumbens.
- 试剂盒抽提法 Tissue PCR Kit method
- 主存储器又称为随机存取存储器,简称内存。 Primary memory is known as random access memory(RAM) and simple named memory.
- VecTest试剂盒 VecTest kits