- 原病毒DNA proviral DNA; provirus DNA
- 它能作为原病毒入寄主DNA细胞的连续整体中去。 It is capable of being integrated into the continuity of the host cell DNA as provirus.
- 病毒 virus
- 原病毒 provirus
- 原病毒的 proviral
- 病毒DNA viral DNA
- 胶原蛋白 collagen
- 流感病毒 influenza virus
- 原住民 boong
- 原味 primary taste
- EB病毒DNA EB virus DNA
- 抗病毒 antivirus
- 前病毒DNA proviral DNA
- 溶原病毒 lysogenic virus
- 癌原病毒 tumour virus
- CpG DNA对鸡传染性喉气管炎病毒DNA疫苗免疫效果的影响 Contribution of CpG DNA to the Immune Effect Induced by DNA Vaccines Against Infectious Laryngotracheitis Virus
- 胚原病毒 germinal provirus; GP
- 游离病毒DNA f-v-DNA; free viral DNA
- 肿瘤病毒DNA tumor virus DNA
- 原病毒理论 protovirus theory