- 区间AHP Inerval AHP
- 区间AHP法 interval AHP
- 区间 interval
- TOPSIS-AHP模拟 TOPSIS-AHP simulation
- 置信区间 fiducial interval
- 改进的层次分析法(AHP法) the improved AHP
- 一种基于最小二乘的群组AHP方法 A New Group AHP Method Based on the Least Square Method
- 价格区间 price range
- AHP-DSS用户接口的设计与实现 The Design and Implementation for User Interface of AHP-DSS
- 闭区间 closed interval
- AHP法在风险投资项目综合评价中的应用 Application of AHP method into synthetic evaluation of venture capital investment projects
- AHP中(0,2)EM法与(1/9,9)EM法的比较研究 A Comparative Study Between the(0,2)EM and the(1/9,9)EM of the AHP
- 铁路区间信号 wayside railway signaling
- 基于AHP-BP算法的供应链合作伙伴选择建模及其应用 Modeling of Supply Chain Vendor Selecting System Based on AHP-BP Algorithm and Its Application
- 开区间 open interval
- AHP改进模型在作物灌水制度综合效益评价中的应用研究 Case analysis on comprehensive benefit of irrigation system of corps by improved model of AHP and comparison with its antetype
- 区间估计 interval estimation
- 按区间的 per-interval