- 化学CAI课件制作实例 The design of CAI course apply to chemistry
- CAI课件制作 CAI Courseware Design
- 介绍了Authorware的特点,探讨了教学课件设计的基本流程,介绍了CAI课件制作的具体步骤。 This paper introduces the features of Authorware, probes into the basic flow of the design of teaching courseware, and introduces the concrete steps of CAI courseware.
- 医用基础化学课程CAI课件开发的构想 The Tentative Conception of CAI Courseware Development in Medical Basic chemistry Courses
- CAI课件在高校食品生物化学教学中的应用 Application of CAI Courseware on Foodstuff Biochemistry of University
- 多媒体CAI课件制作 making of multimedia CAI eourseware
- 工程图学领域CAI课件研制的难点是图形信息量大、图形处理和组织控制困难. The key problem of programming a CAI d emo are in existence of large quantity of graphics and difficulties of organizing these graphics.
- 阐述了课件制作中选题的重要性,探讨课件“天平”中影像拍摄的要领。 This article describes the importance of selecting the subjects in making CAI ourseware, and discusses the technology in shooting the image of scales.
- CAI课件 CAI courseware
- 介绍了利用 Authorware开发工程制图多媒体 CAI课件的设计思想及制作方法。 The way of using the Authorware and other engineering drawing multimedia software to design CAI is introduced.
- CAI课件应用 application of CAI PPT
- 数学CAI课件 mathematics CAI courseware
- cai课件的制作远没能达到传统教学过程中备课这么方便自由。 The manufacture of the cai lesson piece did not can attain far to prepare lessons the so convenient freedom in the traditional teaching process.
- 医学CAI课件 medical multimedia courseware
- 多媒体CAI课件制作方法 On methods of making multimedia CAI courseware
- 教学CAI课件 CAI
- 在制作CAI课件中的技巧 Several Techniques of Authorware in Making CAI Courseware
- 多媒体CAI课件 multimedia CAI courseware