- 动态头颅CT CT scan
- 本文报道32例肺癌患者脑损害的临床表现,头颅CT和脑电地形图检查结果。 The article has been reported the examing results of 32 cases with brain injury by pulmonary cancer in clinical expression, brain CT and EETG.
- 头颅CT CT
- 头颅CT片 Head CT film
- 方法:观察12例病人的临床表 现,并作头颅CT/MRI检查。 Methods: Observed the clinical manifestations in 12 cases and had examinations of CT or MRI of skull.
- 小儿偏瘫型病毒性脑炎脑电图及头颅CT分析(附21例报告) Analysis of electroencephalogram and cranial CT with hemiplegia type of viral encephalitis : A report of 21 cases
- 13例患者中 ,头颅CT检查仅 1例报告桥小脑角及鞍上池胆脂瘤 ; Only 1 case of Cholesteatoma in cerebellopontine and suprasellar cistern was detected with cranial CT scans among 13 patients.
- 头颅CT定位围针法对脑卒中恢复期患者伴随症状及血液流变学的影响 Effect of CT localization needing around the lesion area at skull on the concomitant symptoms and hemorheological changes in stroke patients during restoration period
- 头颅CT诊断子痫三例报道 Three cases report of eclampsia diagnosed by skull CT
- 儿童头颅CT扫描的防护 Radiation prevention for head CT scan in children
- 溶栓后24h复查头颅CT。 The CT scan was rechecked after thrombolysis 24 h.
- 新生儿窒息后头颅CT检查的结果分析 Clinical analysis of newborn skull CT scanning after suffocate
- 高危新生儿的头颅CT分析 Head CT Analysis of high-risk newborn infants
- 儿童头颅CT扫描条件选择 The selection of scan factor about CT of children skull
- 26例脑型脚气病头颅CT改变与临床分析 Analysis of 26 cases of cerebral beriberi misdiagnosed by brain CT
- 100例小儿惊厥头颅CT分析 Analysis of Cranial CT Scanning in Children Convulsions on 100 Cases
- 脑瘫的临床与头颅CT表现 Analysis of clinical symptoms of cerebral palsy and head CT
- 窒息新生儿头颅CT检查和末梢血LDHi活性测定对脑损伤程度和预后的判断 Head CT and LDHi in Blood of Suffication Newborn Infants on Judgement of Brain Damage and Progress
- 儿童低剂量头颅CT的临床应用 Clinical Application of Low Radiation Dose Head CT Scans of Children.
- 新生儿头颅CT扫描100例经验总结 Experiment of Craniocerebral CT Scan for 100 Neborns