- 加蓬G4-188区块 Gabon G4-188 block
- 北加蓬次盆 north Gabon subbasin
- 区块 block
- 居住在加蓬、赤道几内亚及喀麦隆的人 a member of a people inhabiting Gabon,Equatorial Guinea,and Cameroon
- G4微病毒 G4 microvirus
- (这是邓小平同志会见加蓬总统邦戈时谈话的一部分。) (Excerpt from a talk with President EI Hadj Omar Bongo of the Gabon Republic.)
- Re-188 Re-188
- G4硬件平台 G4 platform
- 冈优188 Gangyou 188
- G4.0PAMAM树状大分子 G4.0PAMAM
- 联合国帮助组织选举,联合国的维和部队和从加蓬来的军队维护安全问题。 The United Nations helped organize the elections -- UN peace-keeping troops and a force from Gabon assisted with security.
- 泊洛沙姆188(F68) poloxamer188(F68)
- 加蓬是一个在中美洲的国家,那里有多种野生动物,非常漂亮的地势让人震惊。 Gabon is a country in Central America that contains stunning terrain and a wide variety of wildlife.
- 大鼠皮层乙酰胆碱酯酶G4和G1分子亚型的分离 Isolation of acetylcholinesterase G4 and G1 molecular isoforms from rat cortex
- MIL-STD-188-220C协议 MIL- STD- 188 -220C
- D区块 Block D
- 号区块 comprehensive techniques to control lost circulation
- 188株假单孢菌耐药谱及抗菌药物选择 Drug resistant spectrum of 188 pseudomonas strains and antimicrobial drug choice
- 另外,基于G4 FAX的无线传真技术也将是今后无线传真技术的新的研究方向。 On the side, the wireless fax technology based G4-Fax will be the other aspect of application of wireless fax in the future.
- 分区块 blockette