- 一类连续状态与动作空间下的加权Q学习 A kind of weighted Q-learning for continuous state and action spaces
- 加权Q学习 weighted Q-learning
- Q学习 Q-learning
- B-Q学习 B-Q learning
- 动态Q学习 dynamic Q learning algorithm
- 努力学习 swot at
- Q学习算法 Q-learning algorithm
- 自主学习 autonomic learning
- 阿Q正传 The True Story of Ah Q
- 不断地努力学习。 Slog away at your studies.
- 白痴不具备学习能力。 An idiot is incapable of learning.
- 主动学习 active learning
- 再学习 relearn
- 自学习 self-learning
- 在某人指导下学习 study under sb.
- 这本书孩子们应仔细阅读学习。 It's a book that children should read deeply in.
- 模糊Q学习 fuzzy Q leaming
- 在校4年学习期间,各门功课均为优良。 During my four academic years. I made good grades on all courses.
- 初学习 original learning
- 终身学习 life-long education