- 前列环素PGI2制剂 Prostacycline PGI2 preparation
- 前列腺素PGI2制剂 Prostaglandin PGI2 preparation
- 目的 探讨窒息新生儿脑脊液(CSF)中血栓素A2(TXA2)、前列环素(PGI2)的浓度变化及与脑损伤的关系。 Objective To investigate concentration changes of thromboxane A2(TXA2) and prostacyclin (PGI2) in cere-brospinal fluid(CSF) in the asphyxiated newborn and explore relationships between the level of them in CSF and hypoxic brain damage after neonatal asphyxia.
- 川芎嗪对缺氧缺糖损伤的血管内皮细胞周期和前列环素的影响 Effect of Ligustrazine on Cell Cycle and Prostacyclin of Injured Vascular Endothelial Cells Induced by Hypoxia and Lack of Glucose
- 前列环素 prostacyclin
- 贝前列环素 beraprost
- 前列腺环素(PGI2)具有更强的扩张血管和抑制血小板作用,但因其半衰期短,性能不稳定,临床应用疗效不肯定。 Prostate (PGI2) is stronger blood vessels and the expansion of the role of platelet inhibition, But because of the short half-life, performance instability, clinical efficacy not sure.
- 前列环素I2 Epoprostenol Sodium
- 盐酸米诺环素制剂 Dynacin<抗生素类药>
- 多西环素,脱氧土霉素,强力霉素,长效土霉素,6-α-去氧土霉素 Amplidox; Dxc; Liomycin; Liviantin; Liviatin; Minidox; Monodoxin; Nivecillin
- 阿米环素 amicycline
- 多西环素单水合物制剂 Monodox<抗生素类药>
- 粘环素 Colimecycline
- 醌环素 quinocycline
- 生环素 sancycline
- 硝环素 nitrocycline
- 亲环素A cyclophilin A
- 亲环素 cyclophilin
- 蓝环素A CYA; xyanocyline A
- 季环素 quadron