- 创建UML模型并生成代码 Create UML models and generate code
- 利用UML模型来研制EJB组件是目前比较先进的方法。 Designing EJB component with UML model is an advanced method.
- 类将在编译具有特定文件扩展名的资源的过程中分析并生成代码。 Class will parse and generate code during compilation for a resource with a specific file extension.
- 创建 to found
- 并 and
- 生成 be produced
- 并不 not at all
- 文档模式(DTD或Schema)到UML模型的映射规则研究 Research on Mapping Rule from DTD(Schema) to UML Mode
- 创建日期 date created
- 并发 be complicated by
- 生成的 inborn
- UML-BD(UML Based on DEVS)模型是运用DEVS规范技术对离散事件系统的UML模型进行层次化、模块化。 The model of UML-BD is to hierarchize and modularize the UML model of discrete event system by using DEVS modeling technology.
- 并把 to include
- 用宏生成代码 Using Macros to Generate Code
- 本文给出未确知测度综合评价模型并用于水环境质量评价。 This paper gives the unascertained measure estimation model and applies it to the quality estimation of a water environment.
- 自动生成代码 automatic generating code
- 对于本打包演练,可以考虑创建并生成一个简单的项目,例如, For purposes of this packaging walkthrough, consider creating and building a simple project, such as the project described in
- 让我们看看上述的那些模型并分析它们的错综复杂之处及其利弊。 Let us look at the above-mentioned models and analyze intricacies of those models, advantages and disadvantages.
- Generate Code(生成代码)按钮包含在Web测试用例的工具栏中。 Included on the toolbar for a web test case is a Generate Code button.
- 为检查模型之间的一致性和模型的完备性,该文根据UML1.1规范,通过一个实例详细描述了如何建立一个规范和实用的模型,并提出了一种基于UML模型的动态模拟测试方法。 In order to check the consistency and the maturity of models, this text describes how to upbuild a criterion and applied model in detail complied with the criterion of UML1.1 through an instance,besides this text puts forward a method of dynamic simulant test based on UML model.