- 分布式Hash表 DHT
- 分布式Hash算法 distributed Hash algorithm
- 价格表 price list
- 表单 memu
- 总表 general schedule (GS)
- Hash签名 hash signature
- 数据透视表 PivotTable
- HASH变换 Hash transform
- 码表 stopwatch
- 卡梅隆Hash Chameleon Hash
- 随机Hash锁 random Hash lock
- 表兄 male cousin with a different surname (older than oneself)
- 单向Hash函数 one - way Hash function
- 作表 tabulation
- 视觉Hash算法 perceptual image Hash
- 损益表 income statement
- 可扩展Hash方法 Extensible Hashing System
- 量表 inventory
- 表的 tabular
- Hash位阵列消重算法及性能分析 Duplication-Remove Algorithm of Hash Bit Array and Its Performance Analysis