- 内皮蛋白C受体 Endothelial protein C receptor
- 可溶性血管内皮细胞蛋白C受体 soluble endothelial cell protein C receptor
- 内皮蛋白 involuerin
- 内 internal
- 内皮细胞蛋白C受体 Endothelial cell protein C receptor
- 皮 leather
- 活化蛋白C Activated protein C
- 血管内皮生长因子C受体(VEGFR-3) VEGF-C receptor (VEGF-3)
- 蛋白C激活物 protein C activator
- 载脂蛋白CⅡ Apolipoprotein-CⅡ
- 内皮索受体A endothelin A receptor
- 人载脂蛋白CⅡ Apolipoprotein C Ⅱ
- 习惯性流产与抗活化的蛋白C的研究 Study of Recurrent Spontaneous Abortion and Activated Protein C - Resistance
- 内皮素受体B endothelin B receptor
- 反复自然流产患者活化的蛋白C抵抗和FVLeiden突变的研究 The Study on Activated Protein C Resistance and Factor V Leiden Mutation in Patients with Recurrent Spontaneous Abortion
- 血管内皮生长因子受体2 KDR
- 血管内皮生长因子受体1 Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-1
- 用DNAstar软件包分析大鼠内皮素A、B、C受体(ETA、ETB、ETC)的mRNA序列,设计一33bp ETA探针; The third, mRNA sequences of endothelin receptor A, B, C (ETA,ETB, ETC) of rats were analyzed and a 33 bp ETA probe was designed by "DNAstar" software, finally, ETA mRNA was analyzed by quantitative image analyzer.
- 细胞因子调节血管内皮细胞凋亡相关配体和受体在大骨节病病理机制中的作用 Role of cytokines in the pathology of Kaschin-Beck disease by the modulation of apoptosis-related ligands and receptors on endothelial cells
- 受体血清和Hanks液保存兔角膜植片的内皮细胞比较 The properties of rabbit corneal endothelial cells after preservation in recipient serum and Hanks solution