- 关于Oka层的刻画 A characterization on Oka sheaves
- 层 layer
- 深思熟虑的学者们第一步先精确分析了烟熏层的化学成分。 The first thing the circumspect scholars did was accurately analyze the chemical composition of the soot layer.
- 单层 monolayer
- 反之,对反面人物暴力行为的刻画却是邪恶、灾难性的。 while violent acts by bad ones were most often dark or sinister.
- 三层 three-layer
- 第一层 first floor
- 内层 lining
- 薄层 folium
- 垫层 cushion coat
- 这样一个臭名昭著的家伙竟然登上了公司最高层。这个我可没料到。 Such a notorious person has got to the top of the company. That's more than I bargained for.
- 关于稳定层结大气近地面层的长期相似理论的经验评价 Empirical evaluation of an extended similarity theory for the stably stratified atmospheric surface layer
- 八层的 eightfold
- 同时,每层的地板则将内外支架联系在一起,以撑起整栋建筑。 Meanwhile the floors tie the inner frame to the outer one, bracing the entire edifice.
- 薄层的 lamellar
- 这本书是为十到十一岁年龄层的孩子写的。 This book is written for the 10-to-11 age bracket.
- 薄内层的 tenuimanexinous
- 薄片层的 lamellose
- 包含薄片层的 lamellose
- 不成层的 unstratified