- 关于幂零Lie环的中心列 The central series of a nilpotent Lie ring
- 幂零Lie环 Nilpotent Lie ring
- 关于幂零群一个定理的推广 A generalization about a theorem of the Nilpotent Group
- Kac-Moody Lie环的Cartan子环 The Cartan Subring of Kac-Moody Lie Ring
- 二步幂零Lie群上sub-Laplace算子的谱 On Spectrum of the sub Laplacian on Two Step Nilpotent Lie Group
- 抓住这段绳子,用它的上端绕过手臂上环的中心打一个结。 Taking the length of cord, knot the top end around the centre of the arm loop
- 此外,应用这一等式,十分简洁地证明了关于伴随矩阵的若干性质. 尤其是关于幂等和幂零阵的伴随阵的性质证明. By means of the equality it is simpler to prove some properties of the adjoint matrix,especially for the idempotent and nilpotent matrices.
- Lie环 Lie ring
- 素环上微商变换Lie环之开拓 The Extension of Lie Ring of all the Derivations on a Prime Ring
- 关于幂等元半环簇的一个簇 On A Subvariety of An Idempotent Semiring
- 环的中心幂等元与Boolean代数的表示 Central idempotent elements of and the representation of Boolean algebras
- 根据参数生成数值栅格要素,它具有指定的范围大小和数值,并输入转换流程。 NumericRasterCreator Creates a feature with a raster of the specified size with a numeric value using the parameters supplied, and sends it into the workspace for processing.
- 证明了当群关于可迁且为阿贝尔群或幂零群时,每个非图包含两个不相交的最大线独立集. In this paper, the following results are proved: Let L be transitive on E(G) and abelian or nilpotent, then no nK_2 graph G has disjoint maximal line-independent Sets.
- 关于在国际法庭等待审判或上诉或其他方面经法庭授权拘留的人员的拘留规则; Detention Rules governing the Detention of Persons Awaiting Trial or Appeal before the Tribunal or Otherwise Detained on the Authority of the Tribunal;
- 环的最小无幂零元根的构造 The Construction of Least Radical Without Nilpotent Element of Ring
- 证明了特征零代数闭域上的具有交换幂零根基的完备Lie代数的Fratini子代数为零。 It is proved that the Frattini subalgebra of a complete Lie algebra with abelian nilpotent radical is the zero subalgebra.
- 幂零元在中心内的结合环交换性 Commutable of Associative Ring with Nil-element in Its Center
- 设 R 为环,B(R)为 R 的 Baer 根,N 为 R 的全体幂零元构成的集合。 Let R be a ring,B(R) be a Baer radicial of R,N be the set of all nilpotent elements of R.
- 关于无零因子环的幂自同态 On the Power Endomorphisms of Rings without zero divisor