- 先简支后连续T梁 a T form bridge which is simple supported first and then with continuing structure
- 连续梁桥的先简支后连续T梁设计 Design of Continuous Simple Supported Tshaped Girder Bridges
- 先简支后连续梁 Beam constructed by simple and continuous support
- 先简支后连续箱梁 box girder from simple frame to continuous frame
- 先简支后连续结构体系混凝土的收缩徐变效应及开裂模式初探 Elementary exploration on shrinkage and creep effect and crack mode of concrete in bridge structure during transferring from simply supported to continuous system
- 在后 behind
- 先简支后连续 First Simply Supported Then Continuously Supported
- T梁桥 T-beam bridge
- T梁梁体 T - beam body
- 在你信任一个人之前,先要深入了解他。 Eat a peck of salt with a man before you trust him.
- 灾后重建 post-disaster reconstruction
- 当先 in the ban; in the van; in the front ranks
- 加固T梁 T - beam continuous reinforcement
- 他把我向后摔倒。 He tumbled me over backwards.
- "制作这种蛋糕,先要把黄油和白糖搅成浓奶油的稠度。" To make this cake you must first mix butter and sugar to the consistency of thick cream.
- T梁加固 T-beam strengthening
- 简支桁架桥 simple cycle
- 在后的 posterior
- T梁横隔梁 T-beam cross diaphragm
- 混凝土T梁桥 T-beam bridge