- 关于乳房的软组织的X射线照片 X-ray film of the soft tissue of the breast
- 照片 photograph
- 充气X射线照片 pneumatogram
- 对肺部作X射线摄影 to sciagraph the lung
- 妇产科X射线检查 X-ray examination in gynecology and obstetrics
- 女生殖器充气X射线照片 pneumogynogra
- X射线CT X-my CT
- 呼吸描记图,充气X射线照片 pneumatogram
- X射线光子 X-ray photon
- X射线光学 X-ray optics
- X射线造影 X-ray angiography
- 医生认为我并未骨折,但他正等着看X射线照片. The doctor doesn't think I've broken a bone but he's waiting to see the X-rays.
- x射线衍射显微术 x ray diffraction microscopy
- X射线天文学 X-ray astronomy
- X射线毛细管 X-ray capillary
- X射线照片有时已成功地用来发现外表均一的砂岩中的层次构造和生物扰动。 X-radiography has sometimes been used with success to detect bedding structures and bioturbation in apparently uniform sandstone.
- 数字X射线机 digiter X-ray machine
- X射线探测器 X ray detector
- 确定经4-25MV X射线曝光的工业射线照片图象质量的试验方法 Test Method for Determining Relative Image Quality of Industrial Radiographic Film Exposed to X-Radiation from 4 to 25 MV
- 软X射线能谱 Soft X-ray spectrum