- 儿童颅脑CT的应用 Application of Cranial CT in Children
- 降低剂量螺旋CT对儿童颅脑扫描应用研究 Low-dose helical CT applications in pediatric brain scan
- 儿童颅脑损伤昏迷 Coma induced by craniocerebral injury in children
- 早产儿颅脑CT低剂量扫描意义 The value of low-dose CT scanning in brain of premature infant
- 儿童颅脑损伤心律失常探讨 Study on arrhythmia in children with brain damage
- 153例老年人颅脑CT体检分析 Analysis of Cranian CT Findings in the Check-up of 153 Aged Subjects
- CT窗技术的应用 The Application of Window Technique in the CT
- 颅脑CT阴性的癫痫患者的脑电研究 Study of EEG for the CT negative epileptic patients
- 智力测验在儿童脑损害诊断中的应用 Application of Mental Test in Children Cerebral Lesion Diagnosis
- 胆囊造影CT的临床应用 The Clinical Applications of CT Cholecystography
- 目的探讨儿童颅脑外伤(Children with brain trauma,CBT)的病死率和死亡因素,为制定防治措施提供理论依据。 Objective To discuss the mortality and lethal factors of children with brain trauma(CBT)and to offer theoretic basis of treatment.
- 急性缺氧家猫颅脑CT表现与毛细血管面积密度的关系 The relationship between brain CT manifestations and capillary area density in cats in acute hypoxia
- 常温心肺转流在儿童心脏直视术的应用 Application of homoiothermal cardiopulmonary bypass in children undergoing open heart surgery
- 16排螺旋CT的MPR、SSD及VRT重建技术在创伤性骨关节骨折中的临床应用 The Clinical Application of MPR, SSD and VRT with 16 SCT in Diagnosis of Bones and Joins Trauma
- 肝豆状核变性的颅脑CT诊断(附39例报告) CT Diagnosis of the Hepatolenticular Degeneration(A Report of 39 Cases)
- 定量脑电图在儿童脑功能研究中的应用 Application of quantitative electroencephalography in studying cerebral function of children
- 目的:探讨常规颅脑CT诊断副鼻窦病变的价值。 Objective To discuss the diagnostic valul of routine brain CT scan for diseases of accessory sinus.
- 同种带瓣管道在儿童先心病治疗中的应用 Early experience with valved homograft conduit for congenital heart disease in children
- 急性期中风中医诊断与颅脑CT扫描关系分析 Analysis on Relationship Between TCM Diagnosis on Acute Apoplexy and CT Scanning
- 肉毒毒素在儿童脑瘫序列治疗中的应用。 Although botulinum toxin A is frequently used to augment serial casting in the treatment of soft-tissue contractures in hildren with cerebral palsy.